Saturday, February 22, 2014

"When Rape goes Viral". Though the only lives that should be ruined in the releasing of rape videos and pictures are the lives of the ones doing the rape, that is often not the case. Yes, it is important for campuses to bring light to the fact that rape has happened on their campuses to make others more aware, often times the victims don't only become a victim  of rape, but also of online embarrassment. As if their lives had not been ruined enough by the act of the raping, and now there are pictures or videos for everyone to see and for that person to have to relive; it has been the cause of many suicides. However, sometimes, this media is kept private from ones that should see it (like family members or administration) until it is too late to help. In my opinion, there should be a place to anonymously send this information to get help. The administration should then post the happenings without using any real names or pictures in order to protect the lives of the victims. I know that social media spreads like wildfire, but it should be spreading awareness rather than things that can destroy an innocent person's life in a night that they can't even remember.
"I have nothing to hide.. so it does not affect me"... Or does it? These days, people look for reasons for other people to be wrong and often times, things are taken the wrong way. For example, say a friend takes a picture of you randomly and innocently eating a banana and posts it to UNH Banana Eaters and tags you in it. Then, a future employer sees it and suddenly you're at risk for sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior. When posting things online, you have to realize that the second you hit "send", that information is out there for anyone and everyone to see forever, even after you delete it. So yes, maybe a middle schooler is not concerned about this banana picture, but as an adult searching for jobs, up against multiple other employee options, it is an issue of concern. The way I see it is that the information that you put online is like a secret that you share in high school; you might post something to one person, send one picture to one person, but suddenly the whole world has access to it through the power of sharing. Though I have tried very hard to monitor my own social media, I know that some things could be taken the wrong way and the only way to completely solve this problem is to get rid of it altogether. But even then, the things I used to have posted would still be there. Its like the advertisements that you see when one candidate running for election bad mouthes another; many times it is just that person manipulating the information and making it seem worse than it is. Privacy is definitely a huge area of concern when it comes to the internet and everyone should be concerned.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

CS408-03 Living in a Networked World

In this class, I hope to learn more about online privacy and the history of the internet. It is something that I use everyday, and would like to know more about what is to come in the future as well. Hopefully, knowing about the internet will allow me to use it more wisely and become more efficient in what I do with my time on it.